About Masters Swimming

Think you’re too old to be involved in swimming or consider competitions as being out of the question? Think again! There are swimmers over 100-years-old taking part in Masters Swimming.

Masters swimming began in the USA in the 1970s when some formerly 'elite' swimmers organised a competition for adult swimmers. The sport has now spread all over the world.

Masters swimming is basically swimming for adults. It encompasses the whole range of ability from casual fitness swimming to highly organised competitive swimmingTo qualify as a 'Masters' swimmer you only need to be over 25 years of age. Masters’ competitions are organised in five-year age bands, from 25-29 and upwards as required. The oldest age group result so far is from the 100-104 group! Many competitions also include an 18-24 age group.

Masters swimming welcomes everyone, no matter what your reason is for swimming. How far you go with the Masters Swimming system is up to you. The broad objectives of better health, better fitness, and friendship between swimmers are paramount.

There is no compulsion on swimmers to compete - a major survey of British Masters swimmers showed that the majority of them rarely do!